Mustang Creek Estates is a franchise of residential assisted living/memory care facilities with locations in Allen, Frisco, Burleson, Keller, and Sachse, Texas.
In December 2019, our family made the decision to move our mother to the facility in Frisco. When she moved in, she was healthy and gradually but successfully recovering from surgery she'd had on November 1. Six days later, we lost her.
The headline above might seem extreme or inflammatory, but if you take the time to read through this detailed story carefully, and follow along with what happened to our precious mother in late 2019, you will understand that the statement is, unfortunately, tragically accurate. You will read about how Mustang Creek Estates, through negligence, incompetence, and carelessness failed to fullfill their promises to our family and failed to recognize what should have been obvious signs of a UTI, an infection that over two or three days spread to the brain, but also how they failed to provide our mother with water and sustenance. Everything we state here has been verified by medical providers and is supported in medical records.
Mustang Creek Estates, however, denies that they did anything wrong.
Here is a simple scenario and a simple question:
If you are walking along the street and you pass someone who is clearly choking, and you do nothing, choosing to just walk on by, even though there is no one else in the vicinity, and then that person dies...are you not responsible? Have you not essentially killed that person?
If you are tasked with taking care of someone with broken legs, who is bedridden and cannot get up, and you fail to ever bring that person any water, to the point that they become severely dehydrated, and their lips turn black and crusty...are you gulity of negligence?
This site shares the story of what happened to our mother during her brief stay at Mustang Creek Estates (MCE for short), how her life ended, and how Mustang Creek responded. We explore, with evidence and logical analysis, how Mustang Creek made promises they could not keep about how they would take care of Mom; failed to recognize an obvious change in Mom's health and failed to seek medical attention; failed to provide her food and adequate liquids - resulting in severe dehydration that was evidenced by blackened, dried lips; and ultimately through their negligence allowed Mom to reach such a critical condition that an untreated UTI led to Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy, which then produced a fatal heart attack. We explain how the Executive Director of MCE Frisco, Rachel Suter, actually was aware that Mom's condition had deteriorated but failed to get urgently needed medical attention. It explains, with actual screenshots from emails, how MCE's attorney (Tom Stauch) treated the family - how, while superficially professing to be "polite" and "courteous," his communication with the family was dismissive, condescending, passive aggressive, threatening, and ultimately malicious, as he has tried to bury the truth and soothe his burned ego by filing bogus, fallacious complaints against family members since he knows that he has no legal recourse with civil litigation, given that everything that we have stated is factual and backed up with evidence.
We also plan to explore MCE's resident agreement/contract, in particular how it requires residents to essentially sign away their rights under Texas law and relieves the business of liability for any negligence.
Additionally, we eventually plan to look at the current state of Texas laws regulating lawsuits against facilities like nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and memory care facilities, and how the Texas legislature under the guise of "tort reform" effectively stripped citizens of the ability to hold these kinds of facilities accountable for negligence, even negligence contributing to or directly causing death. The shameful state of the tort laws in Texas is largely what has forced us to share our story in this manner.
By the way, if you want to know more about how horrible the tort laws are in Texas, watch the Peacock series "Dr. Death," based on the true story of a surgeon in Texas who intentionally killed patients, and whom the terrible laws in Texas essentially protected.
Ultimately, what we will explain is how the negligence of Mustang Creek Estates, and in particular Executive Director Rachel Suter, killed our mother on January 2, 2020. More than anyone else, Rachel Suter is responsible for the death of our mother, as this site explains in detail. Justice will never be served because the laws in this state favor medical providers and corporate entitites like Mustang Creek Estates - and nursing homes and memory care and assisted living facilities all over the state. But telling our mother's story will serve as a warning to others, and perhaps in some small way, in a distant future, help lead to change. Our precious elderly loved ones should be protected against predatory, careless people who present themselves as caretakers but are really only interested in milking people out of as much money as they can. Currently, Texas law does not do that.
There's a lot of information here, so we have broken it up into digestable "pieces" or sections rather than fitting it all on one very long page. To learn more, please use the Menu in the upper left, where you will find links to the individual parts that tell the story.
Note that, with two exceptions, we have generally used aliases or only first names to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Due to the nature of the threats leveled at family members by MCE's attorney, Tom Stauch, as well as his lack of respect for the family's suffering, we have identified him. Second, we have named the CEO of Mustang Creek Estates, Renee Ramsey, because it is not private information that she owns the business. (We did find it very interesting, however, that contact information for Ms. Ramsey, including her office location and phone number, is not available anywhere on the internet.) We have also named the Executive Director of Mustang Creek Estates, Frisco, because ultimately she was the individual with the most culpability in terms of gross negligence.
Also please note that this site uses the generic plural pronoun "we," but this should not be taken as an indication that this site was authored by all members of the family.
To get started, begin with Part 1, which is a very condensed summary of what happened to Mom, how MCE responded, and how Tom Stauch has threatened the family. Then the remainder of the site will go into detail.